Current Fundraising Activities text here for showing how contributions are being used to create new outdoor place space FUN DAY!
A donation to the Family Cooperative is an investment in a community of educators that are setting a new standard for early childhood education. Your contributions allow the entire community to remain child-centered and support our loyal teachers in their creation of the magic that is at the heart of the The Family Cooperative. We encourage you to make a gift that is meaningful to your family. To make your donation please use the PayPal link or follow the Venmo QR code below. We thank you for you interest and support.
The Family Cooperative is always in need of classroom materials that support young children’s thinking and learning. We would love to receive gently used materials as donations.
An Important Note:
The Family Cooperative is an educational space for young children, and the materials in our classrooms reflect our learning and thinking goals. As a result, we are looking only for educational materials, rather than household toys.
Some examples of donations that cannot be accepted are:
Commercially themed toys (Barbie, Polly Pocket, Disney Characters, Star Wars, Pokemon etc.)
Mechanized toys (anything that lights up, makes noise, etc.)
Video games or game systems
Incomplete toy sets
Coloring books
Classroom furniture (cribs, high chairs, tables, chairs etc.)